Sunday, March 16, 2014

More Isn't Always Better

Being born and raised in Calgary, Alberta, I tend to come across times in my days where I'm forced to take a step back and just shake my head at all the money obsessed people that are out there. In the world of business, finances, and living in one of the biggest oil and gas locations in the world I notice that more times than not, people are totally and completely driven by money and money alone.
Now don't get me wrong, I do understand that in order to make it in an expensive city, you do need to make enough income to support yourself or family, but what I don't understand is how any amount of money that one makes is never enough. A lot of people measure their success in life by the earnings they make, by the number value sitting in that bank account, and by the material items and possessions they own that are in direct correlation with their income.....or so it seems that way.
I am someone who completely understands that one may need a certain amount of money in order to achieve these personal goals they have, regardless of what they may be. And I guess that's the question right there, what ARE the goals? Is it to have enough money to send your children to a good university after high school? Is it to buy that dream house you've always wanted? Is it to support other family members such as your parents who can't afford to take good care of themselves anymore? If it's goals like that, or just items you've been wanting or dreaming of for years but can't really afford at the current moment then why not strive and save for those things? Why not have that goal and keep plugging away at it until you finally reach it? But I'm talking about the other 'goals', how people feel they need to make a certain amount of money just to keep up with the rest of their friends or neighbors. Bigger and better cars or boats, being at the top of the line for the best tvs and electronics, constantly renovating your home to compete with the rest of the world's 'bigger and better', 'latest and greatest' home features or additions, refusing to be caught alive wearing anything less than an expensive name brand. Sure it can be nice to have all these wonderful things life, and I can certainly appreciate a beautiful home but I guess my question is 'when does it stop?'. When is it enough? When do we max out? And when do we stop and realize we have everything we want or need and can just focus on being happy and content with what we do have?
I don't know about you but for me, here in Calgary, it's exhausting at times. I find myself constantly faced with people like this who can only talk about money, how much money they make, how much money their friend Bob makes, work, work, work, what things they bought on the weekend, what they're buying next month, and then on top of it all?? Complaining that they don't have anything and wish they would win the lottery one day!
Sometimes I feel like a castaway when I'm amid a crowd of money-driven, money-hungry people. The topic honestly makes my eyes roll back and it amazes me that although most of these people probably are smart, have degrees and good jobs, they can't seem to talk about anything else non-money related. I'm sure they have passions, hobbies, things-to-do-before-you-die lists, but here, at least in Calgary, you'd never know it really.
I'm a RMT (Registered Massage Therapist) 4 days a week, and I'm also a part-time freelance Make-up Artist. Simply put, I don't make a lot of money at all. Doing massage all day requires so much strength both physically and mentally. No matter what kind of day I'm having, as soon as I'm with my client in that room I have to sweep away all emotion or negative energy I might be having, and I have to give nothing but the best with only positive and healing energy and thoughts. When that client comes out of the room post-massage and feels rejuvenated, mobile, and pain-free, that's when the true reward comes because that's when I feel good knowing I helped someone feel better, and that I made a difference in either their day or if so lucky, their life! So do I make a lot of money? No, definitely not. But the job itself, and the healing difference I make heighten the worth of this job to me.
Sure it would be nice if I got paid a lot more, that would be awesome, but I don't. So do I quit and go find a job doing something mundane, something I don't like or care about, something that makes many oh-so miserable, just because I would be making a ton of money? No, unfortunately for me, I just can't do that. I just can't wrap my head around sacrificing happiness for money. Again, I do realize that yes there are some situations we can't help and there are some scenarios where it would be different, but I'm just talking generally about how more and more people I meet absolutely hate what they do, but because they make great money, they stay and they don't care.
I've worked in an office before for almost four years where during the last 2 years I absolutely hated it. I became irritated more easier, I became angry and stressed over everything, I would find myself almost picking fights with my boyfriend and friends at the time, and I thought it was all them.  I'd get so angry in rush hour traffic, I was every lacking the energy to do much to better myself or nurture my creativity or passions simply chalking it up to "I don't have the time for it", and I found myself painfully getting through my work weeks living for the weekend solely, but hating my life the other main 5 days a work week! Now that was horrible! But I stayed for two reasons at that time ; job security and decent pay. Looking back over the years and how I transitioned, and grew above it all, and where I found myself starting to place more of my values made the biggest difference of all and I'm a better person because of it!
I won't be able to do massage forever, and so when I do switch careers I am going to strive for something I enjoy and something that will pay the bills. Do I need to live drastically above and beyond my means for the sake of keeping up with Calgary mentality and the rat race? Definitely not.
My goal is to always be able to take care of myself, and live comfortably, and not struggle. If anyone else comes along in my life and I meet that special someone and get married (*sigh* hopefully! because I'm such a sap and cannot wait to be married one day) then we will form that loving strength together and take on the world as a team. I don't need the biggest house in the world, I don't need 10 cars ( but I do want my one amazing one that will be right by side as well - hahaha! C'mon, I'm a car gal, give me a break), I don't need a thousand dollar purse, or the biggest television on the block, and I sure as hell don't need to hear people telling others that in order to be someone worth anything you need to make a certain dollar amount or own all these ridiculously expensive things. When I talk about riches and success I'm talking about the riches that lie within a persons soul, their heart, their personality, beliefs, passions and values, and what aspirations and goals they've achieved or have yet to achieve in life. I absolutely love knowing and learning all that makes a person who they are! I love all the stories in between too ; how they grew up, what their families were like, times where they failed, times where they succeeded and just about the things that make them smile ; the simple things, the sweet things, those are the real things.....the things that matter most.To me anyways.

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