First things first, to my loyal readers I apologize for the month or so delay of writing. Things got a bit busy, and although writing every Sunday as an excellent way of keeping me dedicated to my blog, I also found that it was becoming a bit of a chore because it started to feel a bit forced when I couldn't think of what to blog about. So my new way of blogging now will be to blog whenever I feel inspired to do so. That way it will be as real as it gets! So......onto my thoughts for today......
Today while I was out on my run with the incredibly hot summer sun beating down on me, and the sweet smells and visions of summer, it got me thinking about happiness. Now hot weather, and summer time always do that to me - it always makes me happier. I mean, whats not to love about the summertime? People generally are happier, people are out and about doing things they love to do with family and friends, and the days are longer. Sunshine is the cure for everything, I swear. So it got me feeling happy, it got me thinking about happiness, and it got me thinking about what makes other people happy. I started thinking about times where I wasn't happy, times where I could have been happier, and times where I sacrificed happiness for other things as so many people these days tend to do. I thought about how many people tend to choose money over happiness, and how people also seem to somehow forget along the way what they truly value and what makes them happy both in life(in general) and in love.
Since I was a teenager and first started dating compared to my age now I have learned a lot about the things I don't want in a relationship, and things that I do want. Some of those things have also altered over the years, and some things have changed value incredibly. This I believe comes with dating experience and age.
I think its quite easy for most of us both men and female to sit there and say what we want out of a relationship with a special someone. It's very easy to state the obvious, whether these qualities have just been something fed to us over the years or drilled into our minds of what we should want versus what we actually do want, or whether it's a carefully thought out list of qualities we have discovered in time.
If I am being honest with myself here, I will say that the qualities I look for in someone have pretty much stayed the same over the years, however some things have become more apparent and also taken priority over other qualities. This is something I have realized over the past couple months.
Now I have always known I felt this way and believed in these certain qualities and looked for them, but sometimes in life we need to take a minute to step back, evaluate, realize, recognize and truly appreciate it when we see it........and most importantly, to NOT forget the feeling it gives you or the importance of which it is that adds value to your life and a smile to your day.
I could sit here and compose a list of qualities I look for in a boyfriend/husband. Some of them would have you thinking "Well duh! Of course! Who doesn't want someone who's respectful, sweet, caring, loyal, smart?". Although I do have a list of things I look for in someone (as we all do), there are two things that became really apparent to me recently, and particularly today as I was thinking about it on my run.
The first thing ; someone who makes me laugh. I mean truly makes me laugh. When was the last time you dated someone whom you could just laugh with about anything and everything and all the stupid little silly things in between? Laughter and the beauty of sharing laughter with someone is not something that should be overlooked. It is the essence of life and communication and building long lasting relationships. It's the great part of life that takes us away momentarily from the really crappy or dull parts of life. Ive always loved being with someone who makes me laugh, but perhaps I had taken for granted just how amazingly awesome it really is when you find someone like that. If you aren't able to lay back and laugh hard with them, then you are missing out my friend.
The second thing ; someone who inspires me in any aspect of my life. What is better than the feeling inside of being inspired by someone or the feeling inside of knowing you inspired someone? Simply put, I think it's a very beautiful thing. If you stop for a minute and think of all the mental or emotional steps it takes one to become so inspired to actually do something with it, and to take that thought and turn it into an action? It's absolutely incredible. I have realized recently that when it comes to relationships it's really important to find someone who can find inspiration either in themselves or with you, to find someone who is motivated, who isn't stagnant but rather colorful, dynamic, moving.........anything but still. As long as there is movement, there will always be growth, change, and possibilities. I think it's so important to have that in a relationship because when one person is down, feeling low or in a dark place, then the other has the ability to take them in their arms, tilt their chin up and show them the sunshine. It's about balance and being able to complement each others personalities. I always knew how important this all was but I somehow forgot just how much I really loved and appreciated that until I started experiencing it again myself.
Being with someone who makes you laugh, who inspires you, whom you can share the joy in each others passions with, and whom you can hopefully inspire is such a beautiful thing, a rare thing, and just a few of what I believe to be the key components to a happy long-lasting relationship. If you are so lucky to have that or to find it, make sure you never take that for granted. Yes it's true when they say it's all about the little things, but really.......the little things aren't so little at all. In fact, they are huge.