Sunday, December 29, 2013

Two Countries, Two Different Worlds

Well Christmas is done and another year come to an end in just a few days. I sure do love Christmas as you know if you have read my previous posts. There is so much preparation, time, and money that goes into the big day, and then when it's over, it's over. Just like that. I love it, but one thing I notice is that every single year it becomes more and more materialistic and the true meaning of the holiday becomes lost a little bit more each year. Gifts become more extravagant, people become too busy where they can't even make the time to shop let alone wrap the gifts they bought, and all in all everything just seems to be more about the dollar sign. And it doesn't just stop at Christmas, no, this has become a way of life for people in North America. It's all about what material things we have, and finding ways to get bigger and better than our friends or neighbors, or about having more. It simply is never enough. This is of course true in the material aspect, but also I've noticed it in the aspects of relationships we have with people. Why is it that everyone seems to always be in competition with each other? Are we all just contestants in this game called life where we can never be content with who we actually are, and so the only way we continue through life is by comparing ourselves to everyone else around us, and either figuring out ways we can get there or surpass them, or by having a pity party for ourselves because we don't have what someone else has?
I know we all have done it at some point. I think it might be a bit of human nature. But I also think it's more North American human nature ( the materialistic part rather) I have done my research within other countries, and I have also had my own first hand experience visiting Guyana, South America this year, and the biggest thing I noticed right away is how they do not place any value on the material things like we do in North America. There is little judgement on what your neighbor possesses over you, and their values lie solely within their families, friendships, and within themselves. What they have does not define who they are, whereas here in North America it's the complete opposite unfortunately. It seems to me that people take precedence in what you own, how you dress, and what you do for work over the actual things that matter such as who you are inside, what stories you have to share in life about where you came from, and what your passions are in life and what you believe in and value. This is one of the things I loved most about Guyana. The people are incredible, and welcoming no matter where you came from, what you have, or what you do. Here's an example ; in my last few days there I had not found the certain souvenirs I was hoping to find so I had looked online before going on my trip and found that there was this mall in Georgetown , Guyana. As much as I love malls and shopping ( hey, I'm a female, leave me alone! Haha!) I wasn't expecting much from a mall there nor was I looking to shop while on my vacation. So I mentioned to my aunt that I would like to check out this mall and see what they have, out of curiosity. Upon telling her that, she had this puzzled look on her face, almost like it was a combination of why on earth do you want to go to a mall and do we even have a mall? She had to stop and think of this so called mall, and where it is. Then she gave us directions and my Dad and brother headed there. Well, it totally and immediately made sense when I got there because although this 'mall' was in some sort of a small building, it was basically like every other street vendor but just out under a roof. There was a single shoe store in there and just some small vendor-type businesses selling little things here and there, some clothes, some knick knacks, perfumes, souvenirs and that was that. I thought to myself " wow, I feel like an idiot for even coming here" The people of Guyana are beautiful, inside and out, some look casual, some look polished, but ALL look happy and proud. They don't give a shit about the superficial things nearly as much like we do. They don't have as much money as other countries yet why does the entire population look so happy, healthy, and well spirited? Going back to comparing it with life in North America, I think it's because they are less stressed than we are, yet the funny thing is WE bring the stress onto ourselves entirely. We let it in. We allow it to happen because we have created this certain type of life with all these expectations and living in competition with others and always trying to appease everyone but ourselves. The focus there is completely different than there. I love how they value the simple things in life. Another example, on one of our last days there we went to Welldaad, Guyana where my Dad was born. After touring around his village and seeing his elementary school he went to, the stand where he would buy candy from, and his very own house with the coconut trees he used to climb, we sat down out back with his family and friends. His old school chum, who still lived in the same house ( as in Guyana apparently no one moves. Once you have built a home, you stay there generally) and he went over to the tree, cut some green mango down , busted out the pepper sauce and salt, and we all sat there sharing mangoes and talking about life. It was one of the sweetest moments of that entire trip. Oh how I envy and adore the value they place in things like that, and I only wish we had the same mentality up here in Canada. 
I do make an effort to try bring that feeling back every now and then, and try attract other people around me into it as well. As I've said it before, the human touch is slowly being lost I think, and my old soul craves it back. We should be indulging in the sweet things in life rather than spending our days desperately trying to keep up with everyone else or compare ourselves to others. Why do people do that? It's mentally exhausting and does no good at all. I think we have just become so used to that, and simply put it's our way of life here in our country.
I know that it's not completely avoidable and sometimes we are put in situations where we may feel that we almost have to pretend or lie to ourselves in order to match our surroundings at that given time, but I think that's bullshit. No one should have to pretend they're something they're not. No one should have to feel in competition or allow themselves to feel inferior or superior to anyone, and no one should be feeling jealous of anyone regardless of what they have/don't have or who they are/ aren't. If you appreciate , love, or admire something or someone, say so. If you aspire to be someone you're not, then make that change within to improve yourself so that you're happy with who you are. If you want to make a change or if you want to see a change, then BE that change. Growing up I have always held value in the simple things in life because that's really all we had as a family, and I found myself having to escape to the sweet places and moments in time quite frequently in order to escape what was presently going on during that time, so I have carried that with me throughout my life indefinitely. When I finally got the chance to visit my Dads country Guyana, I came back even more aware, even more enlightened, even more grateful, and even more hopeful for what I could possibly transcend into other areas of my life, and also to hopefully rub it off onto others as well. The world is so different, so diverse everywhere we go, and Guyana was just a small fraction of it, and an example of how I think we as North Americans need to start taking a page or two out of their book. 
It's the simple things in life that count, and it's taking appreciation for those things that I think would help alleviate some of our stresses on a daily basis. It's also knowing that everyone is unique in their own way, and we should never be trying to compete with anyone, or compare ourselves to others. We all have a purpose in the world, and what we have or don't have is not the definition of who we are. Dig deeper than the superficial layers and peel them back until you see what's inside. You might just be very surprised with what you find.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

I Heart Christmas

Well here we are, just a few days before Christmas, and wow has it ever snuck up on me this year! I know they say time flies, and I don't know if its just the fact that I am getting older and everything seems to fly even more so but it seems like lately it just runs away on me....hence this late blog post for today.
The last couple months have been a bit of a whirlwind. I mean normally I finish up all my Christmas baking b the end of November! But this year I only completed it all about 2 weeks ago! So combine that with trying to Christmas shop for so many people, do up my Christmas cards, work two jobs, and find the time to catch up with friends before the holidays? Well, to be honest Im just straight exhausted! However I am looking forward to this work week simply because I only will have to work tomorrow (Monday) and thats it! My days off, plus the holiday days off I get all seamlessly work together to give me a super long week and I am absolutely pumped about it and being able to just chill, breathe and reboot my brain. As much as I love Christmas time, I believe this is necessary for all.
See with Christmas I look forward to all the little things. The simple things. I enjoy being in a house full of family and friends, no matter how hectic or loud it can be, I truly love it. I also love that it seems to be that one time of year for our family to just shut up and get along. There's never any arguing, everyone's in a good mood, and all the old and hilarious childhood stories come out. Especially when there's rum and eggnog involved, and with our family during Christmas, and being Guyanese, there is always rum and eggnog involved. Traditions are another thing that I hold close to my heart. Not the superficial traditions of Christmas, but rather traditions we have created and carried on continuously over the years. I am sure most families do have those one or two little traditions that they might not necessarily see as traditions but in fact they are unique and special to that family. As an example, one thing we do every year is have a huge ass breakfast on Christmas morning. My Dad usually is the one to cook it. We literally have everything on the table, the entirety of breakfast items. Just thinking about now makes me laugh because we're all trying to quickly eat so we can move on to unwrapping gifts together, so there's usually a couple of us whining for the rest to hurry up so we can get started. Oh yes, and rum and eggnog starts from sunrise too.
Another thing that my brothers and I would do (particularly my youngest brother Robert), is watch Christmas movies on Christmas Eve. My number one favorite, hands down is the classic Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer. Not the cartoon ones, no. I'm talking about the old school claymation-type one with Burl Ives narrating. Seriously there is nothing cuter than Rudolph in that movie. Can't forget about the other classics such as Home Alone making it a close 2nd for me. Mr. Bean's Christmas is one we always watch too. Miracle on 34th Street, Christmas Vacation, and even the newer crude ones (now that we're adults of course) like Bad Santa. Man I love that movie! Cracks me up just thinking about it!
Stockings are another thing that our family has always done, and I will never stop doing them because they are simply just the best thing ever to wake up to. It's like being a little kid, no matter how old you get!
We also of course to the big Christmas Day turkey dinner that my Mom beautifully puts together (she makes one mean turkey and all the fixin's). Throughout the evening into the day, and back into the evening there is always an array of sweet treats I bake each year just for the holidays ; shortbread cookies, gingerbread men and gingersnaps, eggnog cookies, holiday bars/squares, bark, sugar cookies etc... This year I even delved into making candied pecans for the first time and they turned out amazing!! I think next year I'll be attempting home made 'turtles'. Mmm!!!!
I also can't forget the simple fact that I love wrapping gifts! I do! And everyone knows it, and they try take advantage of this, but its not really taking advantage when I love doing it already as it is. I love all the pretty wrapping paper, the bows, the glitter, and all the beautiful silver and gold ribbons. I like curling the ribbon and making the top of the gift look like an explosion of ribbon!
Christmas is such a beautiful time to me. I get all giddy and excited throughout the whole month, and from that very first Christmas song of the season even. However, if you follow my blog you would know that this year I was having a hard time getting into the spirit for some reason and found myself to be not as excited as I normally would be. Something felt off, and I felt like I had lost my spirit. Well, this year I can't say that I completely got it back right away, but I can honestly say that now, being just three days before Christmas, that I am finally feeling the warmth of the spirit and I am loving it. I have wonderful people in my life and am attracting positivity and good spirit on all levels. I am happy and fortunate to be alive and spending Christmas with my family and friends because I know that not everyone is that lucky, and so today and always I count my blessings. There is nothing quite like the togetherness of this season amongst people everywhere you go, and the whole world feels a little bit more love when Christmas comes.
Wishing you and your loved ones an absolutely beautiful and merry Christmas this year!
One love.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

A Warm And Radiant Heart

Sometimes in the absolute craziness that is our world, in the chaotic schedules that make up our days, we are slowed down for a brief moment in time by something different, something out of the ordinary, something that has caused us to stop for a minute, mentally absorb, and really reflect. This can either be for a good reason or a bad reason. For me, it was a good reason. Yesterday I was lucky enough to experience a sweet moment in time after a heartwarming and connected conversation I had with my darling friend Natalie. 
And I am blessed.
So blessed.
Growing up I have always kept a good circle of friendships and I valued each and every single one all for their own unique reasons. I learned a lot about good character, qualities, and knew and understood the true value of a true friend. My childhood, although innocent, playful and full of normal mischief was also surrounded by dark toxicity with our family issues and an abusive brother, so naturally my friends were the sunshine of my life and I learned very quickly how important they were to me, and to never let a good friend go. To this day I have carried this with me and feel just the same and just as strongly, if not, more strongly, and I cherish the real ones more than anything.
I try my best to ensure they all know how much I value them in my life. I'd like to think they value me as well. It's almost an unspoken love. Kind of funny actually. But yesterday, there was no shortage of words from Natalie. My heart is still so warm and radiant from it. I'm not going to sit here typing out all the kind things she said to me, but I will tell you about the feeling. To put things into perspective, I am not a crier. I repeat, I am not a crier. But there came a moment when I had to tell her to stop as I could feel the tears in my eyes welling up. She exhausted herself on telling me how wonderful of a person and friend I am, and how much I mean to her. She complimented me not just on a superficial level but on a spiritual, in depth level. She explained how she thinks I emulate some sort of glowing,  good energy that people gravitate towards, and that I'm the most unselfish person she knows. She also went on to giving me inspiration through telling and reminding me that I have such talents, and how I need to follow my heart with them and continue to keep flourishing and growing and expanding my opportunity within those talents because the sky's the limit and she believes I will do great things with it. Most importantly she told me how grateful and thankful she is for our friendship and that she loves me. We had a little teary moment and then had to pull ourselves together before our evening commenced. My heart was warm and mind was right. Both last night and today I have had this feeling of gratefulness, and I feel so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful friendships like ours. 
I'm glad she told me. It's a good feeling to know that someone else also believes that you can't put a price on friendships. But tell me why is it that we always need someone else to remind us of our own self worth?
Is it that because we become so engulfed in and mesmerized by everyone elses lives? Or caught up in being admirable or jealous even of someone else that we forget to stop and look in the mirror at ourselves once in awhile? Because I bet if we all just took the time more often to reflect on who we are, where we came from, and the things we had to do to get to where we are at this current moment in time, we'd probably start to think a little differently. I'm not saying that everyone out there is a saint or that we all have had great or easy lives leading up to the point you're at now. No, of course not. Anything worth anything never comes easy. I guess what I'm saying is that we should dig deep past the superficial layers of ourselves more often to reveal and remind ourselves of who we are, what we believe in, what we're passionate about, and where we're going. I believe that there is good in everyone. Some may have to dig deeper than others to find it, but nonetheless, it's there. Then when you find it, take that that feeling and transform it into something even more greater and beautiful.

Sunday, December 8, 2013


Not out of laziness but rather appreciation and admiration for a song well written that I want to share with you today. I heard it on the radio about a month ago and was instantly drawn and connected to the lyrics of this song. The song itself of course is great and the lead singer really belts it out in such a way where you are actually hearing and feeling every word. Like you just know and understand that this man has truly been through some scarring times, but also to remind us that everyone has flaws, dark shadows, and demons. So touching and powerful. I love this song .

When the days are cold
And the cards all fold
And the saints we see
Are all made of gold
When your dreams all fail
And the ones we hail
Are the worst of all
And the blood's run stale

I want to hide the truth
I want to shelter you
But with the beast inside
There's nowhere we can hide
No matter what we breed
We still are made of greed
This is my kingdom come
This is my kingdom come

When you feel my heat
Look into my eyes
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide

Don't get too close
It's dark inside
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide

When the curtain's call
Is the last of all
When the lights fade out
All the sinners crawl
So they dug your grave
And the masquerade
Will come calling out
At the mess you made

Don't want to let you down
But I am hell bound
Though this is all for you
Don't want to hide the truth
No matter what we breed
We still are made of greed
This is my kingdom come
This is my kingdom come

When you feel my heat
Look into my eyes
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide

Don't get too close
It's dark inside
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide

They say it's what you make
I say it's up to fate
It's woven in my soul
I need to let you go

Your eyes, they shine so bright
I want to save their light
I can't escape this now
Unless you show me how

When you feel my heat
Look into my eyes
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide

Don't get too close
It's dark inside
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Where The Heck Is It?

So it's December 1st and I'm sitting here wondering 'where the heck is it?' . Where is that feeling of excitement and nostalgia that I normally would've already had by now, specifically like two weeks ago? I'm talking about the Christmas spirit that one usually gets around this time of year. Some of you may think 'well geez, it's only December first Amanda' but that doesn't mean anything when it comes to me. Picture's October 30th, the day before Halloween and the big stores are selling out the last of their Halloween stock. This stock takes up an entire aisle!.....wait a minute...except for the tiny little one shelf section at the end with Christmas decorations, gradually pushing its way onto the Halloween shelf and anxiously awaiting for the clock to strike midnight into November 1st. No one is  paying any attention at all to the Christmas stuff yet except well......except for me. How exciting is it to see all the different pretty wrapping paper, the festive ribbons, the glitter adorned tree ornaments? Or the selection of gorgeous and artful Christmas cards that are always so beautifully embellished?  I tell you, no other holiday gets me feeling so merry and bright like Christmas. So I'm sure you can understand how happy I get upon even just the first slightest sign that the season is upon us. Or at least I USED to. For some strange reason I'm not feeling that way at all yet, and it's very unlike me. I have told a couple friends this and how I think I may be 'broken' or something, but they just laugh it off and tell me not to worry because either a) everyone's feeling like that this year apparently or b) it happens. C'mon you guys, this is a serious problem, I may have caught some nasty Grinch syndrome or something! Ha ha! They laugh it off  ( and fair enough because I don't think this would normally be an issue for someone other than me) BUT this is ME we're talking about here - anything Christmasy you can think of, I do it all.... Well except for caroling door to door, but in my defense, in this day and age, and in North America, it would just be stupid or unsafe to do that. With all the crazies using guns, or cannibal-induced drugs, the pedophiles, and the sex offenders, you just never know really (sad but true). And if that's not what you're concerned about, how about the embarrassment or awkwardness that could occur when you're serenading 'Santa Baby' to a man in his underwear and slippers? Yikes! Can you imagine? Ahhh yes, good ol' Christmas time!  After all, it is about spreading Christmas cheer isn't it? So where the heck is mine?
Yesterday I headed out on a mission. After trying to find my spirit last week by playing Christmas jams non-stop and rocking out to Mariah Carey's complete Christmas albums in my car to and from work ( yes I was clearly trying very hard) , I failed miserably. So yesterday I decided that after I was done my hair appointment I would head over to one of our biggest and best malls where there was sure to be some festivities and Christmas charm in the air. I figured I was going to start my Christmas shopping and that would definitely help. As soon as I walked into the mall I swear I had to seriously coach myself through some therapeutic breathing to stay in a chilled out, carefree mode......and I did okay on the outside, pleasantly smiling to people who would bump into me carelessly, and step on my toes trying to make their way to yet another Black Friday sale rack. On the inside though, my patience was being tested for sure! So I get myself a Starbucks eggnog latte to assist with this mission. Nothing beats that! I was blissful in my egg nog world until I overheard a conversation between two females gossiping about a male customer who was in that store buying a necklace for his girlfriend. They were whispering to each other with disgust talking about how cheap that man is to buy a sterling silver necklace for his girlfriends Christmas present, and how he should be buying her white gold. Wow, what a complete jerk that man is to be buying a necklace for his girlfriend. Gee, that is the most unthoughtful thing I have ever heard of. What an ass! Then they continued to say to each other how they would never accept crappy silver for a Christmas present and that if they got white gold as a gift and it didn't cost more than 200.00 at least, they'd be asking for a gift receipt so they could exchange the "cheap gift". Yeah it took everything in me to just keep my mouth shut and quietly walk away. I just shook my head. So needless to say, that didn't exactly help either.
You know, when I go to the malls during Christmas time, yes I expect it to be busy, hectic, crazy, and full of rushed, stressed people. I can handle that for the most part. UNLESS my feet hurt, in which in that case you're better back off. But today I was more or less kinda hoping for the mall to be decked out in Christmas fashion, big trees all lit up and decorated, and Bing Crosby crooning some classic Christmas tunes over the PA system. But sadly, no. It was more just plastered with sale signs and posters, and top 40 music playing in every store. And do you think I ended up getting some shopping done for my friends and family? Of course not. I picked possibly the worst day to go because there were these outrageous Black Friday sales at every single store! You'd think that would be a good thing, but not so much when you have 50 people crammed into one store trying to buy up everything in sight.
After some time I decided to call it quits for the day, and made plans with myself to attempt it again next week sometime. I got in my car and tuned in the radio to the Christmas jams to try force some Christmas into my soul for the ride home. So all in all, mission not so accomplished just yet. But I do have a few other things up my sleeve that have always been a part of tradition for me, and are sure to bring my broken spirit right back on track! Baking! Christmas baking! And that officially starts today! 
Happy December 1st!